Unique ID | iCARE-KLL-0021 |
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix) | Dr. |
First or given name (First name) | Kim |
Middle name or initial (optional) (Middle name) | Louise |
Last or family name (Last name) | Lavoie |
Email (Enter your email) | kiml_lavoie@yahoo.ca |
Other investigators or team members (optional) | Simon Bacon, Samir Gupta, Jovana Stojanovic, Vincent Gosselin-Boucher, Michael Vallis, Kim Corace, Myriam Gagne, Paula Ribeiro, Keven Joyal-Desmarais, Ariane Belanger-Gravel, Silvana Barone |
Institution | MBMC |
Country (Country) | Canada |
Analysis Plan Title | Vaccine intentions in Canadians – April 2021 to March 2021 – Representative samples |
Analysis Plan Description | This study will analyze survey data from five Canadian representative samples (April 2020 to March 2021) to describe changes in vaccine intentions across time among Canadians as a function of key sociodemographics (e.g., age, sex, education, income, location) and among those at high risk of contracting COVID-19 and deemed priority to receive the first wave of vaccines (i.e., healthcare providers, the elderly, and people with chronic conditions). |
Keyword 1 | Vaccine intentions |
Keyword 2 | Canada |
Keyword 3 (optional) | Sociodemographics |
Keyword 4 (optional) | High risk groups |
Survey data | Survey data |
Location data | Country-based |
Country (Country) | Canada |
Analysis outputs (optional) | Done – Jan 11th 2021 |
Target completion date (optional) | 20-01-2021 |
Entry Date | 14-01-2021 10:54 |
Latest update | 2022-02-15: Closed- paper has been published |