Unique IDiCARE-KLL-0021
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix)Dr.
First or given name (First name)Kim
Middle name or initial (optional) (Middle name)Louise
Last or family name (Last name)Lavoie
Email (Enter your email)kiml_lavoie@yahoo.ca
Other investigators or team members (optional)Simon Bacon, Samir Gupta, Jovana Stojanovic, Vincent Gosselin-Boucher, Michael Vallis, Kim Corace, Myriam Gagne, Paula Ribeiro, Keven Joyal-Desmarais, Ariane Belanger-Gravel, Silvana Barone
Country (Country)Canada
Analysis Plan TitleVaccine intentions in Canadians – April 2021 to March 2021 – Representative samples
Analysis Plan DescriptionThis study will analyze survey data from five Canadian representative samples (April 2020 to March 2021) to describe changes in vaccine intentions across time among Canadians as a function of key sociodemographics (e.g., age, sex, education, income, location) and among those at high risk of contracting COVID-19 and deemed priority to receive the first wave of vaccines (i.e., healthcare providers, the elderly, and people with chronic conditions).
Keyword 1Vaccine intentions
Keyword 2Canada
Keyword 3 (optional)Sociodemographics
Keyword 4 (optional)High risk groups
Survey dataSurvey data
Location dataCountry-based
Country (Country)Canada
Analysis outputs (optional)Done – Jan 11th 2021
Target completion date (optional)20-01-2021
Entry Date14-01-2021 10:54
Latest update2022-02-15: Closed- paper has been published