Unique ID | iCARE-AD-0049 |
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix) | Miss |
First or given name (First name) | Alysha L. |
Last or family name (Last name) | Deslippe |
Email (Enter your email) | alyshade@student.ubc.ca |
Other investigators or team members (optional) | Dr. Tamara Cohen (tamara.Cohen@ubc.ca) |
Institution | University of British Columbia |
Country (Country) | Canada |
Analysis Plan Title | Mediating role of gender norms and mental well-being on males’ and females’ practice of health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparison across countries. |
Analysis Plan Description | This study will explore how males’ and females’ health behaviours (i.e., diet, alcohol, and physical activity) were impacted by changes in their mental well-being including their anxiety, depression or worry caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By exploring the role of sex, potential biological differences in coping strategies through different health behaviours can be explored. To do this, we will use data from the representative web panels collected from Australia, Canada, Colombia, Italy, Ireland, Israel, the United Kingdom and United States. Logistic regression will be performed to assess the impacts of changes in anxiety, depression or worry on adults (18 years and older) practice of healthy eating, physical activity and consumption of alcohol. Sex will be explored as a moderator. All outcome variables (i.e., changes in health behaviours) will be dichotomized by the direction of change. All independent variables (i.e., anxiety, depression or worry about COVID-19) will be analyzed categorically. Sex will be assessed as a binary variable as male or female. Worry about COVID-19 will be created for this analysis by creating a summary score for responses to Likert style questions asking to what extent an individual was worried about ‘infecting other people’, ‘the healthcare system becoming overloaded’ and ‘getting infected myself’. All analysis will control for age, vaccine status and diagnosis of anxiety or depression. Stratification by country will also occur as the dataset become available. |
Keyword 1 | health behaviours |
Keyword 2 | Sex and gender |
Representative data | Representative data |
Representative Samples – Choose country | Australia, Canada, Colombia, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, UK, USA (not yet available) |
Data Time Frame – Specific Survey (Representative – Australia) | February 15-25, 2021 (not yet available) |
Data Time Frame – Specific Survey (Representative – Canada) | January 27-February 7, 2021 |
Data Time Frame – Specific Survey (Representative – Ireland) | April 28-May 24, 2021 |
Target completion date (optional) | 01-09-2023 |
Entry Date | 21-07-2022 14:28 |
Last update: | 23-03-2023 – Plan title, completion date, and description updated |