Analysis Plan Description | This proposal aims to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians living with multimorbidity. We will analyse data from four representative surveys in Canada (Survey 2, 3, 4 and 5) in order to understand health behaviour and access to care impacts among individuals with no chronic condition, with one chronic condition and multiple chronic conditions. Changes over time will be evaluated as well.Outcomes of interest include a series of questions from the iCARE impacts module, with possible answers ‘To a Great Extent’, ‘Somewhat’, ‘Very Little’, ‘Not at All’, ‘I dont know or I prefer not to answer’, ‘Not applicable’. Descriptive statistics (proportions) will be used to present differences in COVID-19 impacts across three groups of participants (no condition, one condition, more than 2 conditions). A series of binary and ordinal multivariate logistic regressions models will be performed to assess associations between COVID-19 related impacts (dependent variables) and multimorbidity status (independent variable), adjusting for time, age, sex, education, ethnicity, current employment and province. Sensitivity analysis according to different time-points and chronic condition clustering (for instance cardio-metabolic conditions, cancer, pulmonary conditions) may be performed. All statistical tests will be two-sided (p < 0.05 will be considered significant). Regression coefficients, log odds ratio and their 95% confidence intervals will be presented. |