Unique ID | iCARE-DS-0035 |
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix) | Ms. |
First or given name (First name) | Shrinkhala |
Last or family name (Last name) | Dawadi |
Email (Enter your email) | shrinkhala.dawadi@monash.edu |
Other investigators or team members (optional) | Dr. Joanne Enticott, Prof. Jacqueline Boyle |
Institution | Monash Centre for Health Research Implementation |
Country (Country) | Australia |
Analysis Plan Title | Adherence to COVID-19 preventative behaviours pre and post vaccination |
Analysis Plan Description | I will use the four waves of the representative Australian and Canadian datasets to assess participants’ adherence to COVID-19 preventative behaviours pre and post vaccinationMeasures: Participants’ sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, income, and education), vaccination status, and perceived importance of COVID-19 preventative behaviors, self-reported adherence to preventative behaviors.Statistical Analysis Plan:1.Descriptive statistics will assess sample characteristics and number of participants responding to multiple survey waves2.Two-level mixed effects regression analyses with the country specified as the random effect will examine adherence to preventative health behaviours by vaccination status. Three-level mixed effects regression analyses with country and time specified as the random effect to account for clustering at different times will also be investigated.3.Secondary analyses will employ mixed-effects ordinal logistic regression to examine the separate behaviours comprising the composite score (above). Ordered logistic regressions will assess single-item outcomes. 4.Specification curves for each outcome variable will be conducted using the specr and rdfanalysis packages in R.5.Independent variables will be a range of socio-econ-demographic characteristics as well as perceived importance of prevention measures. Choice of independent variables will be informed by PCA and previous work on the Australian data. |
Keyword 1 | Vaccination |
Keyword 2 | Preventative behaviours |
Keyword 3 (optional) | Vaccine |
Keyword 4 (optional) | Social distancing |
Keyword 5 (optional) | mask wearing |
Representative data | Representative data |
Longitudinal data (only available for Canada) | Longitudinal data (only available for Canada) |
Location data | Country-based |
Country (Country) | Canada |
Additional countries | Yes |
Country 2 (Country) | Australia |
Data Time Frame | Data from all surveys |
Target completion date (optional) | 03-09-2021 |
Entry Date | 08-06-2021 05:01 |
Latest update | 2023-03-20: Ongoing- working on the manuscript |