Unique IDiCARE-DS-0035
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix)Ms.
First or given name (First name)Shrinkhala
Last or family name (Last name)Dawadi
Email (Enter your email)shrinkhala.dawadi@monash.edu
Other investigators or team members (optional)Dr. Joanne Enticott, Prof. Jacqueline Boyle
InstitutionMonash Centre for Health Research Implementation
Country (Country)Australia
Analysis Plan TitleAdherence to COVID-19 preventative behaviours pre and post vaccination
Analysis Plan DescriptionI will use the four waves of the representative Australian and Canadian datasets to assess participants’ adherence to COVID-19 preventative behaviours pre and post vaccinationMeasures: Participants’ sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, income, and education), vaccination status, and perceived importance of COVID-19 preventative behaviors, self-reported adherence to preventative behaviors.Statistical Analysis Plan:1.Descriptive statistics will assess sample characteristics and number of participants responding to multiple survey waves2.Two-level mixed effects regression analyses with the country specified as the random effect will examine adherence to preventative health behaviours by vaccination status. Three-level mixed effects regression analyses with country and time specified as the random effect to account for clustering at different times will also be investigated.3.Secondary analyses will employ mixed-effects ordinal logistic regression to examine the separate behaviours comprising the composite score (above). Ordered logistic regressions will assess single-item outcomes. 4.Specification curves for each outcome variable will be conducted using the specr  and rdfanalysis  packages in R.5.Independent variables will be a range of socio-econ-demographic characteristics as well as perceived importance of prevention measures. Choice of independent variables will be informed by PCA and previous work on the Australian data.
Keyword 1Vaccination
Keyword 2Preventative behaviours
Keyword 3 (optional)Vaccine
Keyword 4 (optional)Social distancing
Keyword 5 (optional)mask wearing
Representative dataRepresentative data
Longitudinal data (only available for Canada)Longitudinal data (only available for Canada)
Location dataCountry-based
Country (Country)Canada
Additional countriesYes
Country 2 (Country)Australia
Data Time FrameData from all surveys
Target completion date (optional)03-09-2021
Entry Date08-06-2021 05:01
Latest update2023-03-20: Ongoing- working on the manuscript