Unique ID | iCARE-FD-0054 |
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix) | Miss |
First or given name (First name) | Frédérique |
Last or family name (Last name) | Deslauriers |
deslauriers.frederique@courrier.uqam.ca | |
Other investigators or team members (optional) | Kim L. Lavoie |
Institution | Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre |
Country (Country) | Canada |
Analysis Plan Title | Relationship between level of trust toward regional political leaders/ health authorities, satisfaction, perceived importance and adherence of/to policies |
Analysis Plan Description (revised) | Multiple group path analysis will be used to look at the overall effect of time on our model which includes trust in regional government as an independent variable, adherence to preventive measures as a dependent variable (the model will be done for each of the following preventive measures: mask indoor, distancing, self-isolation, avoiding large gathering and avoiding small indoor gathering), as well as acceptability of the policies and perceived importance as mediators. With the same model, mediation moderator path analysis will be done to look at the effect of time on each relationship of the variable in the model. This will be done for each of the five preventive measures chosen. The analysis presented above will be repeated using the same model but this time with trust in health authorities as an independent variable. |
Keyword 1 | Government trust |
Keyword 2 | Adherence to policies |
Keyword 3 (optional) | Management of the pandemi |
Representative data | Representative data |
Representative Samples – Choose country | Canada – REVISED Only W3-6-9 of the representative Canadian iCARE data |
Data Time Frame – Specific Survey (Representative – Canada) | October 29-November 11, 2020, January 27-February 7, 2021, March 11-23, 2021, May 31-June 14, 2021, September 10-20, 2021, November 15-December 3, 2021, January 20-February 2, 2022, May 26-June 6, 2022, September 5-12, 2022 (not yet available) REVISED: Canada – Oct 29-Nov 11, 2020 and Canada – Mar 11-23, 2021 |
Target completion date (optional) | 27-03-23 |
Entry Date | 17-02-23 19:03 |
Revised | April 8, 2024 |