Unique ID | iCARE-VGB-0017 |
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix) | Mr. |
First or given name (First name) | Vincent |
Last or family name (Last name) | Gosselin Boucher |
Email (Enter your email) | vincent.gosselin.boucher@gmail.com |
Other investigators or team members (optional) | Beraneck, M., Bacon, S.L., Lavoie, K.L. |
Institution | Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre |
Country (Country) | Canada |
Analysis Plan Title | Level of concern, vaccination willingness and health behaviour in the context of Covid-19 in France |
Analysis Plan Description | This is a descriptive paper on the willingness to be vaccinated, the population concern around COVID-19 and the health behaviour in France over the course of the pandemic. All data from France will be used out of the global survey. We will try to identify the trends and identify the characteristics specific to the different concerns, behaviour and willingness in the potential vaccine for COVID-19. Is there a difference across the months for responses from France, since March 27 (launch of the survey)?Has there been a change in the survey’s response according to the implementation of the different policies related to COVID-19? |
Keyword 1 | Concerns |
Keyword 2 | Vaccination |
Keyword 3 (optional) | Behaviour |
Survey data | Survey data |
Policy data | Policy data |
Case data | Case data |
Location data | Country-based |
Country (Country) | France |
Additional countries | No |
Entry Date | 18-11-2020 15:18 |
Latest update | 2023-03-20: Closed |