Unique ID | iCARE-FD-0056 |
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix) | Miss |
First or given name (First name) | Frédérique |
Last or family name (Last name) | Deslauriers |
Email (Enter your email) | deslauriers.frederique@courrier.uqam.ca |
Other investigators or team members (optional) | Margie Danchin, Jessica Kauffman, Jacqueline Boyle, Joanne Enticott |
Institution | Murdoch Children’s Research Institute |
Country (Country) | Australia |
Analysis Plan Title | Parent-reported child vaccination uptake rate and motivators : comparison between Canada and Australia |
Analysis Plan Description | The aim of this project is to assess and compare the rate of change of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among children 5-11 years old in Australia and Canada over the first 9 months of the vaccine roll-out. Two representative surveys per country will be analyzed (waves 10-11 of the Canadian representative data and waves 6-7 of the Australian representative data which were both collected between May 2022 and September 2022). Motivators of parents/ guardians that didn’t vaccinate their children 5-11 years old (hesitant parents) will be assessed and compared in both countries at the two-time points. Sociodemographic predictors of hesitant parents in September 2022 (after the vaccine was available for 9 months the children between 5-11 years old) will also be assessed and compared between countries. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe the sample (by country and as a function of hesitancy). Binary logistic models will be done to look at the relationship between vaccination uptake, time and country. Interaction between time and country will be added to this model. Afterwards, estimated models will be run to assess the proportion of vaccine uptake at each time point and for each country and risk difference. Binary logistic models will also be used to compare the motives of hesitant parents in the two countries. The interaction of motivation and time, as well as motivator and country, will be added to the models. |
Keyword 1 | Children vaccination |
Keyword 2 | Uptake |
Keyword 3 (optional) | Motivators |
Representative data | Representative data |
Representative Samples – Choose country | Australia, Canada |
Data Time Frame – Specific Survey (Representative – Australia) | May 20-June 21, 2022 (not yet available), September 5-12, 2022 (not yet available) |
Data Time Frame – Specific Survey (Representative – Canada) | May 31-June 14, 2021, September 10-20, 2021 |
Entry Date | 06-06-23 20:10 |