Unique ID | iCARE-CL-0057 |
Prefix / Honorific (optional) (Prefix) | Mrs. |
First or given name (First name) | Camille |
Last or family name (Last name) | Léger |
Email (Enter your email) | leger.camille.2@courrier.uqam.ca |
Other investigators or team members (optional) | Deslauriers, F., Tremblay, N., Coulombe-Raymond, F., Gosselin Boucher V., Lavoie, KL. & Bacon SL. |
Institution | Université du Québec à Montréal |
Country (Country) | Canada |
Analysis Plan Title | Psychosocial and health impacts of the length of recommended COVID-19 isolation periods in individuals with COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test |
Analysis Plan Description | Questions covered: 1)What is the impact of different recommended COVID-19 isolation periods (i.e., 10 days vs. 5/7 days) for Canadians who report needing to isolate for the following outcomes:Mental health, Economic burden, Health, Interpersonal relationships and 2) In addition, analyses are provided to compare the populations who report needing to isolate compared to Canadian’s who didn’t report needing to isolate. |
Keyword 1 | Isolation |
Keyword 2 | Policies |
Keyword 3 (optional) | Impacts |
Keyword 4 (optional) | COVID-19 |
Representative data | Representative data |
Representative Samples – Choose country | Canada |
Data Time Frame – Specific Survey (Representative – Canada) | May 26-June 6, 2022, September 5-12, 2022 (not yet available) |
Analysis outputs (optional) | manuscript in progress (expected submission date: december 2023) |
Target completion date (optional) | 09-11-23 |